Thursday, August 4, 2011

On Stage #3 - A little graciousness

A continuing series of insights from the stage at the local club level...

3.  Save your post-show self criticism for tomorrow.  You just played an awesome show, a fan has run up to you saying it was an awesome show, they just had an awesome time-- stick with the Awe of it all.  Thank them, reciprocate... do not correct someone who loved your set by telling them you messed up the quarter note triplet break in the bridge of "Hunger Dunger Dang."  That wasn't the stand-out moment of the show, and no one noticed but you.  Practice more later, fix your mistakes, but at the show, when someone tells you how great it was: believe them

Even limited to my experiences, this list is nowhere near complete.  I planted it as one of the first pages when I began this blog with the very first handful of points from the quickest surface skim of my gray matter.  It will continue to grow.
