Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kickoff at the Funhouse

Wednesday, September 19th
The Funhouse in Seattle, WA
w/ Nasalrod, Slave Traitor, and The Vatican

Well,‭ ‬this is different:‭ ‬we've never gone out on the road‭ ‬with a band before.‭ ‬I hadn't seen Nasalrod since they kicked my ass at The Kraken...‭ ‬and they sorta intimidated me last night--‭ ‬they're‭ ‬so uptempo and rocking that I watched their set with two parallel thoughts:

‭“‬These guys are awesome.‭ ‬I'm so glad we're going on the road with them.‭”


‭“‬Damnit.‭ ‬How are we supposed to follow this‭?”

Which is just something that happens in my head...‭ ‬it wasn't actually an issue.‭ ‬We played last,‭ ‬of course,‭ ‬since we were on our home turf‭ (‬Nasalrod will close the Portland show‭)‬,‭ ‬and the whole gig went pretty damn well.‭ ‬It was great to see Slave Traitor again--‭ ‬it's been a while--‭ ‬and I'd never seen The Vatican before.‭ ‬Then again,‭ ‬I'd never seen one of Slave Traitor's fabled fistfights/wrestling matches...‭ ‬that was a new one.

This was also our last stop at the Funhouse‭; ‬ubik.‭ ‬doesn't have anything booked before their October‭ ‬31st closing night.‭ ‬I'm sad to see that place go...‭ ‬people from all the bands sat in the backstage area,‭ ‬reminiscing about the Funhouse being the first time we saw such-and-such band.‭ ‬I look back fondly on a Green Milk from the Planet Orange show.

We attempted to keep the group together and crash at The Josephine, just to get us on the road at a reasonable hour.  It worked... kind of.  Still-- the theory was sound.  The Spokane show started at 5:00PM, and we had a long drive ahead of us.
