Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 9

Friday, April 20
Oak Park Boiz House in Sacramento, CA
with 30.06 and (waning)

Hells yes!  That is how it's fucking done, son!

After flopping off stage, Joel asked if next tour could be all house shows.  It's not a bad idea: house shows are enthusiastic, packed with people that all want to be right where they are and having a good time.  If the house puts out a collection plate for us, like they did last night, they will actually support us better than most venues, too.  And the show itself was rad-- no setlist, we made it up as we went along, closing with Cyclocosmia because it was 4/20 after all. We decided to forgo the outfits and play in t-shirts; the labcoat would have killed me.  Michelle finished the song in an Ian Mackaye crouch, fighting for breath in the sauna.  I mopped all the sweat off m'self (and my instrument... yeesh, I could have shorted that thing out with all the sweat pouring off of me) and hopped out into the comparative cool of the Sacramento night.

The night got stonier as it went on: 30.06 brought the old school thrash and tore the place up, then we played, then Waning closed the night with big, enveloping atmospherics.  It was a really solid night all around.

The day was spent surviving the heat.  Joel bought some sun block after Provo turned me bright red, and it's really come in handy since we've been in California.  We hunker, low key, until the sun goes down-- California heat is hard on the cold blooded Seattle lizards.

Camped at a friend's for a few nights, we were just across the street from a laundromat, and the band now has clean socks.  That doesn't seem like much when you're at home, but, living out of travel bags, it's pretty easy to get excited about clean socks.

Tomorrow, we head to Oakland.
